
  1. これを食べなきゃ損!バリ島のコンビニにあるチョコアイス【マグナム】がうますぎる。

    You would lose without this! Chocolate ice (Magnum) is too tasty

    Introducing the tasty ice (Magnum) in Bali islandHello! This is Holi!It’s October. Japan is Fall, so it’…

  2. バリのペット市場パサールブルンに行ったらなんか凄い所だった。

    When I went to the pet market called Pasar Burung in Bali, that was overwhelming place.

    Japanese readers, hello! This is from Holi!I e…

  3. 南国の楽園 バリ島でハネムーンはいかが?

    The southern paradise How about the honeymoon in Bali island?

    It’s continuously hot everyday in Japan!Bali i…

  4. バリ島の街スパに潜入!街スパの実態!

    The research of town Spa in Bali island! The condition of town Spa!

    The real information site for Bali island tripper,…

  5. バリ島のおすすめ食事場所 ~WARUNG(ワルン)~

    The recommended dining place in Bali island (1)-WARUNG-

    Selamat pagi!This means Good morning in Japane…

  6. 疑問解消!バリで働く人たちはこうやって飲み食いしている!

    The question is solved! Workers of Bali eat and drink like this!

  7. ローカルと感じるバリの空気。リゾート感ゼロのバリ旅行のやり方

    The air making us feel local. How to trip Bali without feeling resort.

  8. ガイドブック非掲載!バリ島の不味い食べ物!

    No guide books tell about this! The nasty food of Bali island!

  9. “Must check before you trip!” The case of the toilet in Bali island

    “Must check before you trip!” The case of the toilet in Bali island

  10. バリ島旅行で映画館はいかが?文化の違いに衝撃の連続!

    How about going to the movie theater by trip Bali? Shocking moment frequently because of the difference of the culture!


  1. ジュエリーブランドONE
  2. 【3泊4日】一生語れるコモド諸島、船の旅をやります!【バリ倶楽部×バリ島旅行のみかた】