
  1. About the Hindu temple and praying in Bali

    About the Hindu temple and praying in Bali

    The local writer would inform you about the temple of religion (Hindu) in Bali.Hello, everyone! This is from the Bali …

  2. The point for the currency of Bali (Rupiah) and the safe exchange counter!

    You can’t be satisfied with free WIFI at the hotel! The situation of WIFI condition and recommended SIM free WIFI router!

    Must check! We show you the condition of WIFI in…

  3. The recently popular beach sandal “Fipper” in Bali, the shop report!

    The recently popular beach sandal “Fipper” in Bali, the shop report!

    The introduction of very poplar beach sandal in Ba…

  4. 第2回 勝手にきたなシュラン in バリ島 開催ッッ!!【バリ島の汚いけどおいしいお店の紹介】

    The second selfish dirtichelin in Bali is held!! “Introduction of the restaurant of dirty but tasty in Bali.”

    Well, there are not so many dirty restaurants more…

  5. “Please spread out” We report about terrorism preannounce from Bali.

    “Please spread out” We report about terrorism preannounce from Bali.

    Hello, everyone!Bali no mikata, the local writ…

  6. The point for the currency of Bali (Rupiah) and the safe exchange counter!

    The point for the currency of Bali (Rupiah) and the safe exchange counter!

  7. バリ島で格安本格ピザが食べられる穴場イタリアンをご紹介!

    Secret place you can eat real cheap pizza in Bali. Introduction of Italian restaurant!

  8. 「タバコより酒のほうが身体に悪いよ。」バリで聞いた日本と真逆の一言。

    “Alcohol is worse than Cigarette.” What I hear in Bali. Totally different from Japan.

  9. バリ島最大級のクラブ「スカイガーデン」のビュッフェが激安でうますぎる。

    “Sky Garden”, that is the biggest in Bali island, is so cheap and so tasty.

  10. バリ島の激安アイス【パドルポップ】が美味すぎるので、全種類買ってみた。

    “Cheapest Icecream in Bali “Paddle Pop”, I’ll review every taste!!”


  1. ジュエリーブランドONE
  2. 【3泊4日】一生語れるコモド諸島、船の旅をやります!【バリ倶楽部×バリ島旅行のみかた】