
  1. ガイドブック非掲載!バリ島の不味い食べ物!

    No guide books tell about this! The nasty food of Bali island!

    Nasty foods are not mentioned in guide books.Hello.Gradually people at souvenir shops are not interested in me, …

  2. “Must check before you trip!” The case of the toilet in Bali island

    “Must check before you trip!” The case of the toilet in Bali island

    Hello. This is Holi.Bali is clos…

  3. バリ島旅行で映画館はいかが?文化の違いに衝撃の連続!

    How about going to the movie theater by trip Bali? Shocking moment frequently because of the difference of the culture!

    Sunset is beautiful in Bali even though the winter…

  4. インドネシアバリ島で人気急上昇! バイクタクシーGO-JEKを使ってみた!

    Getting more poplar in Bali of Indonesia!! Riding a bike taxi, GO-JEK!

    I tried to ride on bike taxi GO-JEK that is poplar…

  5. Definitely need to know! The danger of Bali

    Definitely need to know! The danger of Bali

    It looks like the summer is over in Japan. Bali is…

  6. バリ島の物価は?バリ島旅行は1日いくらあれば楽しめる?

    Trip to Bali island. How much do you need to enjoy per day?

  7. バリ島の交通手段!旅行前にこれだけ見れば完璧!

    The ways for the transportation in Bali island! Perfect just reading this before your trip!

  8. Opening up special about local residence in Bali! Yayang’s house is like this.

    Opening up special about local residence in Bali! Yayang’s house is like this.

  9. 【盗難注意】バリ島は財布をスラれるぞッ!おすすめのスリ対策!

    “Warning for the thieves” You might be stolen your wallet in Bali island! The recommended step not to meet those thieves!

  10. 気分が落ちる?そんな時はバリ島の写真で癒されてしまえ!在住1年で撮りためた厳選写真20枚

    Are you depressed? When you are like that, why aren’t you healed by the photos in Bali!? The chosen 20 pictures I have taken for one year in local life.


  1. ジュエリーブランドONE
  2. 【3泊4日】一生語れるコモド諸島、船の旅をやります!【バリ倶楽部×バリ島旅行のみかた】