
“Sky Garden”, that is the biggest in Bali island, is so cheap and so tasty.

suzuri_kijiue バリ島旅行のみかたYoutube みかたブック

People. A happy new year! (Salamat tahun baru!!)

写真 2015-12-28 13 31 03

This if from Holi who is the local writer of Bali no mikata!

It’s such a nice weather in spite of the rainy season in Bali! It’s the day for getting sunshine!!


写真 2015-12-29 8 57 03


Well! As the first article for the New Year, I’m going to inform you about the shops that are recommended to people who have the dinner in Bali island, that local people go, and that are for tourists.

The shops for tourists basically are good for the access and beautiful, but local people who are get used to the cheap prices don’t go to those shops because of the high price!

However, there are some shops to which the local people go and to which it looks tourists can go.

If you read this article, the shop for your dinner is surely decided?!

“The recommended shop in Bali island, Sky Garden”,the biggest club in Bali island has another face!! You can eat and drink whatever you want with less than 1000 yen!

As I mentioned before, local people including me already know the cheap, tasty and favorite shops, so basically they don’t go to the shops and the service places for tourists!

But this is not that place!


The name is…  SKY GARDEN!!!

Ok. Let’s look at the pictures.


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Actually here is the biggest club in Bali island.

At night, young people from all over the world get together and make noise. (Laugh)

But from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, you can eat and can drink as much as you want,

and the price is






Rp99,000 (About 850 yen)!!!


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During this time people are totally different from the people at night. There are people such as the old man whose face with read because of the too much drink even though it’s 6 pm, clubbing guys who try to eat as much as meat and me eat so much vegetable that can’t find in Bali. (Laugh)

Anyway, tourists, local people and various generation people visit here not for the dancing but for the buffet.

Because it could be difficult for you to find the entrance a bit and there is only one place to order the drinks, so I will report with a lot of pictures more than usual this time.


Let’s go to the biggest club in Bali, Sky Garden!

The place of Sky Garden that is the main theme is here!

There is a big street called Regan St. in front of the Sky Garden!

It takes about 10 min by foot from HIS in Kuta. You walk contrary to the ocean on the street (Pantaikuta St.) in front of HIS, go left at the crossing (Bemona corner), and arrive at the club with 500m walking.

It’s like this from the street!


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The woman is standing always in front of the Sky Garden.

The day I go at is Christmas, so she wears the Santa costume.


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Then this step is the entrance!

There are securities in front of there and they check your body and your bags!


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After you go up to the stairs, there is a counter. You need to pay there.


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This time, it costs Rp99,000 (about 850 yen), it’s OK with one red bill!


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Rp1000 is for the change!

If you pay, they put you the paper band on the arm like this.


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The place for the buffet is the top of the building!

There are some notices on the way, so you just go to the top with checking the advice!

The top is “roof top”!


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At least that is a club, so there is such a big space.

But early time, people come here for the buffet so it’s empty!


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As soon as you finish walking to the top, there is a counter for drinking!


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You need to be careful because only here is the place for the free drink!

There are other counters but you have to pay!

However the counter for the free drink has always lines, so you would get know!

It’s perfect if you remember “Drinking is only for the counter with the line”!


There are 6 patterns for your choice for the free drink. This time 6 kinds as below!


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  1. Sunmingel (Beer)
  2. Prost beer
  3. Whisky Coke
  4. Mixmax (Bottle cocktail)
  5. Vodka
  6. Soft drink, water

When you order at the casher on the left of the counter, they give you the receipt!

If you are not good at English, you can point it up with your finger!


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Then you move a bit right side at the counter, you hand the receipt to the bartender!



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You give the receipt to the bartender and he or she would make the drink about for 10 sec.


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Let’s get the seat when you are given the drink!

The roof top is like this. It doesn’t look like normal club!


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Basically it would be fine with any seats to be sat down, but I recommend you anyways the seats that give you the wind from outside!

It’s the best to sit down on the seat with your feeling wind on about 4 pm on the top of the building!

Plus, there is free Wi-Fi. So you can check line or can upload pictures on the facebook or Instagram!


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Now. Let’s go get the meal! The meal is like this!


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You would know the place because there is the line, too!

They have people such children to eat the meals!


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Firstly, you take the plate that is given by the woman, then you can choice your favorite food!


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There are raw vegetables that are difficult to be found in Bali, Italian food and American food such as Hamburger!!

My recommend is this! Hamburg!


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It’s like quarter pounder of Macdonald and tastes meat indeed!

I try Hamburg so much…. (Laugh)


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There are many desert, too.


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It has still light even though it’s 6pm, so it’s not like normal club. It’s a Dining bar!!


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They show movies on the projector!


写真 2015-12-25 20 03 24


Actually Mr. Takuma who has read Bali-no-mikata and got contact us gets together with us to go to Sky garden!

Mr. Takuma is satisfied with Sky garden, too.

Thank you!


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This club has free drink and meals until 9pm, so let’s eat without caring the time!

To be added, the free drink is over after 9 pm, and they cost you per the glass as usual according the system!

The price is like that! One glass costs you about 500 yen!

(The unit K is abbreviation of the kg. You should put three 0!


写真 2015-12-25 18 42 11


写真 2015-12-25 18 42 16


That is it. Today I report you the buffet of Sky garden!

This is really recommended. Please go there once when you come to Bali island!

But one thing you need to care for this is that Sky garden is the place which could be the paradise of thieves and stealing as one of the best sightseeing for the Bali island!

This introduced buffet costs you Rp99,000 and the drink and food are for free, so you need just one red bill only!

Including the payment for the taxi, etc. for going home, you just need two red bills that are Rp200,000!

Honestly I don’t recommend you to bring more than that.

Japanese are tend to be checked indeed…

Compared to Australian or other foreigners who just put only the red bill (Rp100,000), Japanese carefully bring a bag. It’s clearly checked.

The thieves are brave enough to steal, so they don’t try people who have money!

Please protect you by yourself, and enjoy with peaceful mind!

So now see you later!


写真 2015-12-31 20 04 02


That’s it, Holi!













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