
What kind of person who is the main writer of Bali no mikata is that?

suzuri_kijiue バリ島旅行のみかたYoutube みかたブック

I was born in the family who has three elder sisters and there is almost no memory about high school age because of too much studying.


I don’t know how I can begin to write.

Maybe my background anyways. I was born in the family who has elder three sisters. My being born year is in 1991.

I am always said that I’m treated nicely by my parents. But basically my elder sisters were out of the house to be independent, so the growing way was like I was only the son.
However, it is not as my parents took care of me warmly like the only child, there are four children, so they gave me much freedom.

Because of the reason I have not so much memory of high school age to go to the school.

Ah, it not that I was not spoiled student, but I was not good at belonging to the other students. I was studying from the morning till the night with people who were trying to entering university because they failed to pass the exams in the studying room of private side school.

The junior high school is public and there are various students. Though many students who enter private school without test and with recommendation of the junior high school….I felt uncomfortable. Plus if you go to the private school, you can go to the university but the test, so students don’t study so hard. On the contrary of that, I really felt the force to study! My character is out of control. The high school is near my house but I quickly went through the gate of the school then went to the private side school every day in Yokohama.


The students who failed entering university tend not to study in the high school, so they must study for one year with the duty of three years of studying. Then they are enthusiastically studying and I was stimulated in that world.

Well, I want to beat a guy. Plus I am first year high school student that time. So there are three years until I face to the entrance university test.

I thought that I would be the strongest if I studied three time with the knowledge of three years of volume for one year! Laugh

Oh, yes yes. During this time I was just into Harry Potter.

Between my house to the private side school takes the time of one Harry Potter movie. I am sure that I watched it about 1,000 times with a hand of PSP. I thought that I could study English listening skill if I put English subtitle with sound of English because I knew the contents.

But since I had such time of my school life, I was struggling. As me, I graduated public junior high school and I was sounded by people who had high score. They were very smart.

Plus there is almost no memory about my high school life, so I didn’t go to Karaoke with my friends on the way back home. Sometime I attended the school, I didn’t know where my desk was because they changed the seats. Laugh I asked “Well, do you know where my desk is?” to one of the students of my class. He said “Oh, maybe there”, but I guess that he absolutely wondered “Who is he?!”.

Owe to the life style, my score was very very high, so I entered Waseda university (One of the top university in Japanese private university) and chose Literature major. Unless I fail to the university, I thought that I would go to the skillful private school to be a trimer since I really loved dogs. Honestly I thought that both of them would give me stimulating life.

>>Next page studying philosophy and loved the sun.



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