
What kind of person who is the main writer of Bali no mikata is that?

suzuri_kijiue バリ島旅行のみかたYoutube みかたブック

Anyway I graduated from Waseda university and entered venture company. With loving sun then I found like this.

While I was in the uni, I gradually into the nature and philosophy and I was out of the people who were in the reality world in Japan besides the student of the university.

What is philosophy?! I’m asked like this often. Actually every substance has something to study, Medicals is connected with human body, and Physics is linked with material and movement. Philosophy is highlighted to “Human being” and “Life” itself, only that, so it is not so difficult.

Well, normal people would not be interested but they would so into something like that, such a studying. They are so into a question that normal people would ask us “Why are you thinking such a thing?”

However it would be important talent to think deeply about such a thing, so that would be good. To be added my thesis was written about “Absurdity and Suicide”.

So to speak, it’s like “Now it’s such a cold world, so let’s live enthusiastically.

I really experienced the hitch hike that students who have too much energy with no meaning.

Now I read repeatedly and feel it’s OK. So my mind is not so changed. laugh

So I straightly enter the venture company of IT business. Including the term of intern, I worked as an office worker for one and a half year then I moved to Bali.

It was my almost first experience to work in the group of people. I haven’t experienced that we should go to the national competition in the group of sports. So the venture company was very small like having only about 10 people, but I was moved the existence of elder age people. That made me felt great to work in the group. During that time of group let me have much wider work than my personal effort.

On the other hand, people might say that Philosophy is nuisance so they would spoil it in the society, but I felt that it would be very useful indeed.
That would not be like transcendency thoughts of Cant or Idea of Prate but like the meaning to let me think “why” stickily about the question with the full of point of view because of the thoughts to get the quality of things. (People who studied Philosophy have the ability to grasp the things comprehensively so much. Everyone of human resource.)
Plus I had met many kinds of people and Mr. Ishikawa (The editor of Bali no mikata now) who was my boss took me to the dinner. At Kitanachelin in Japan. Laugh)

I really loved the work and the feeling of achievement let me work with Excel till the night because my brain was sparked!

Such a time made me notice that my tention was depended on the sun or on the no sun.

Russian literature is dark and Latin music is blight, so maybe the connection of human being and the sun, at least my personal tension, would be the truth. I found that.

With that, so now let’s move near the equator anways!!

That was a bit hard. I had been to Bali twice for the trip since that. But if I move, so “How about the visa?” “Pension?” “Resident card?” or something like that.


My mother said “Oh, I have nothing to do so please take me” and “Why the same human can’t live there?” with almost got crazy. But owe to the support of various people and to the blessing for meeting people, I could move here finally.
To be added, now this site of Bali no mikata is “The site of information about Bali trip, Media, but in the beginning the site was like just the personal blog plus etc.



Oh, it’s long story. So let’s go to the question that I’m always asked for the next!

○Why did you move to Bali?

→I’m asked this question really often. There is only a reason, but the biggest reason is that I want to get sun whenever and however I want. This is the main reason. I think that the simple theory is the strongest.


○What is the reason to have chosen bali?

→It is because Bali is near the equator and I think that Japanese don’t die! Actually Africa or Southern America would be good. But if I live there, I would be killed. If I am killed by shoot suddenly and it would be longer to get sun in Japan than living there. That would not be good. Basically I had been to Bali twice!

The guide who I met that time. I meet him now several times!

○How old are you?

→I was born in 1991 and I am 24 years old. My birthday is July fourth. It is the same day of Independent day in US. When I see the fireworks in US every year, I just feel “Thank you” in my mind.
Well, actually I accept present all the time. (Please send me the editor’s place. Laugh 2-22-2-202 Denenchofu Tokyo 157-0065)


○What kind of job is that? What are you doing everyday?

→Whmmm. If I say simply, maybe it’s like the main writer plus editor for this Bali no mikata? I just wake up in the morning, get the sun, train my physics, go out to take pictures and write every day. Such a life! If I say with recent term, it’s like nomad, something like that.


○What is the most difficult article ever?

→I guess it’s the one of cosmetic. I was taking picture for more than one hour and when I noticed I was surrounded by the 7 shop keepers. Laugh Plus when I tried to write the article, the pictures I took were more than 200. That made me cry but I just made one! (New! The encyclopedia for the cosmetics in Bali “More than 100 kinds!” You can buy them at the super market so easily!)


○Are you going to live in Bali forever??

→I don’t know about the future, but in my mind now, I try to live there forever! The detail is the secret!


○What kind of place are you living? The payment for the house?

→I live in the one room apartment now. The payment of the apartment is RP2,000,000 (about 1,60000yen). I don’t know the average payment in Indonesia but one of my friends live in the place costs about 10,000 yen with some people. So I know it’s quite expensive, but I have really loved houses for long time. My place is almost for my business, so I chose here because it was sunny! (To be added, it seems cheap place compared to local Japanese residence.)


○What is the hardest thing to live in Bali??

They are toilet and cockroach. There are not clean toilets at 24 hours shops just like in Japan, so I need to go to the big shopping mall. Laugh Actually there are so many cockroaches. They are not in my house. But if I go out, there are a lot of cockroaches. Maybe if you come to Bali for the trip I guess you step on the cockroach at least once…! But I don’t miss Japanese food because I can eat them here!

>>Next page To conclude….

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