
Part 1. The party of Bali no mikata in Kanda (Tokyo)

suzuri_kijiue バリ島旅行のみかたYoutube みかたブック


Well it’s relaxed mood. Because it’s the party for people who love Bali. (Laugh)

The day waited for with excitement on 20th of May, I from Kawasaki, my home town, also Naoto who is the writer go to Kanda! We look wild. (Laugh)

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What is all about… I’m not good at feeling comfortable in the train. (Laugh)

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Yamanote line is always crowded, isn’t it? I don’t feel the atmosphere which has strangers to be close to me in Bali, so I’m annoyed a bit with this feeling. I go to Kanda!


At first, I go to the editor’s room that is dealing the media called Bali no mikata! The company is named Think a Phase!

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We have meeting for the party that day and then go to the place! They are so busy that day. (Laugh)

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The mike doesn’t get connected, PC and the screen make us trouble since they don’t know how to connect, the chair that they don’t know where to put, or so on? (Laugh)


Anyways, the party is held for the first time, so we have no help! But itself is interesting!

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Soon some people arrive and they start the party.






Then I and Mr. ishikawa (the president of Think a Phase) in editor’s group try to speak each other in front of the audience, but the feeling is so relaxed. They always interrupt the speaking with a question!! (Laugh)





There are the time that I talk with the pictures I keep for one year.


I also explained the souvenirs that I think they are cool and that are sold for audience!


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To be thankful, they are all sold out.



The picture we take with all the people is like this.


There are the second party without expected, so I’m so glad that I can see people who are enjoying party and who just meet the party for the first time…!



The second party is held suddenly, and the place is in front of the shop called Watami! I didn’t plan, so I’m sorry for the people not to be announced about this… Sweat!


Anyways we missed the final train that night and Mr. Ishikawa in the editors, the wife, Naoto and I walked back home. (Laugh)

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>>Next page I really want to hold the party again! The next time would be in the last of this year!





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