
“Must check before you trip!” The case of the toilet in Bali island

“Must check before you trip!” The case of the toilet in Bali island
suzuri_kijiue バリ島旅行のみかたYoutube みかたブック

Hello. This is Holi.

写真 2015-07-21 21 06 55


Bali is closed to the equator line, so it’s very hot, isn’t it?!
Just I thought like this. But it’s very comfortable.
The temperature is over 30 celcius during the lunch time, but it’s not humid like Japan, It’s dried and you can get cool when you are under the dark area.
I wish everyone should have lived near the equator line since it’s so comfortable. (Laugh)

Well, I’m going to write about the toilet in Bali today!

If you are Japanese, you care if the toilet is clean or not.
Honestly, there is the level of toilet that makes me feel “Oh, no way…” when you open that once.
But as Emerson says “The fear starts by no acknowledgement.”, so if you read this article, you would be OK with all toilets!! (?)


The kind of toilet in Bali island.

Like I said, there is a toilet that Japanese can never fight with in Bali.
“Yes, Yes, that is traditional toilet of Japan, isn’t it?” Someone might think like this.
But no.
At the glance, you don’t know how to use it.
“Ah… Um? What? I guess this is toilet?”
There is a toilet like this.

I will tell you about some toilets that I have met ever as the list.

1. Normal Western toilet


写真 2015-08-03 19 43 49
The sight seeing area (Kuta, Regan, Sminyack, and etc) have this type of toilets for the most part at the restaurants for the tourists, I think.
I don’t need to explain anything since you get used to them.
Surely there is no warm seat though…
Sometimes the lever is broken in Bali. So before you use it, maybe you might need to flush once!

2. Normal Western toile plus a bucket (a well) and a pail.


写真 2015-08-25 13 43 30
We see like this kind as well.
If you are Japanese, it’s OK to use it as a normal Western toilet.
Perhaps when the lever is broken or when the toilet doesn’t get flushed at all by twisting lever, you can make it flow with a pail of water!
This type is the safest?!

3. Indonesian style? The toilet plus a bucket (a well) and a pail


写真 2015-08-22 17 20 13


This! If you don’t know it at all and meet it, you would get “?!”.

Basically it’s the toilet for local people and warung, street shop, friend house, place for not tourist and so on have this type of toilets if you ask them, “Please let me go to the restroom “.
Actually it is flushed if you put a pail of water in the toilet!
We understand the system physically,
but for Japanese… I guess you would think like that!

Around Kuta the toilet that I recommend

So what on the earth can you go?
The main location for us is around Kuta only. But during the one month the toilet I use as the best is introduced for just 4.
Before you come to Kuta, you would be OK only with knowing there.

1. Stadium Bar


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This is just like Japan.
No, it’s cleaner than some of Japanese toilets.
The stadium bar itself that has many customers from Western country is the normal sports bar, but the toilets are like the range of expensive hotel’s ones.

This level is high enough to let you go drink beer only for the toilets. (Laugh)

My tension was so much that I forgot to take picture, so please go there by yourself!


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2. Poppies Restaurant


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Poppies is the oldest restaurant in Kuta, the toilet is really great.
It’s not only just clean, but has much atmosphere of Bali!
I really hope that you go there once, too!!!

It’s like this!

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3.Matahari shopping mall


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It’s the shopping mall that is located near Kuta beach.
The toilet that is on the second floor is useful for us!! We don’t need to buy anything. (Laugh)
One thing you need to be careful is that the protection by the thief or no paper.
There is a paper at the entrance, so it’s unique type of toilet!

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4. Beachwalk


写真 2015-08-25 1 15 49


This toilet is so so beautiful. What a new facility!

You can do like this “I will go for the rest room” even though you are relaxed with drinking beer.


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So peaceful the Hotel and the brand new shopping mall is!

I have introduced the toilets of Bali island this time.
Since basically there are many clean toilets in the hotel and the brand new hotels, when you think that “Today I would take a walk around here”, I recommend you to check the big shopping mall near by or the brand new hotel.
If you don’t stay in the hotel with asking to let you go for the rest room, they would allow you, I guess.

Anyways this ↓ is the toilet that is fixed at the famous hotel.
Too clean.


写真 2015-08-10 20 05 24


There are some bad places like warung or restaurant….
Honestly Japanese toilets are the best in the world.
Oh! I see many Japanese at Bing Tang super market of Sminyack, the toilets are really bad…

Well, what am I writing for the next time?
We are welcome for the many requests!
See you later! Sanpaijunpa!


写真 2015-08-01 10 34 14




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