
Opening up special about local residence in Bali! Yayang’s house is like this.

suzuri_kijiue バリ島旅行のみかたYoutube みかたブック

Anyways, the payment is cheap. But the water circulation is….

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Yes, Yayang is now here.


This is the apartment that Yayang lives. The outlook is like this. The payment is about 5,000yen. The electricity is not included and he has to pay about 1,500 yen.




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In front of the apartment, there is a big river. It takes 4 min by foot from his apartment to go to the river.

Calm. The river seems to be not natural but artificial.


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Let’s go inside of the apartment!

It looks like there are only Indonesian people who live there. But actually Japanese can live, maybe.


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When I look for my room, I notice about this. Local apartment in Bali don’t have basically air conditioner, so they often put the apartment in the dark side without sunshine. The room without sunshine like a cave would be considered good for a cool room!

Actually I struggled when I was looking for the sunny room when I moved here at first. There are not land loads like Japan to look for the apartment in Bali, so there is no ways to look for a house but by checking with my bike each houses. I suffered everyday with the bike, but I always found ones that are dark rooms…!!

Recently there are houses for long term staying foreigners, which are called “Kost” plus “Hotel” equal “Kostel” with meaning apartment in Indonesia recently. So when you want to find one, please take it conider!



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That is Yayang’s family room. The place is on the second floor with a good air circulation. Oh, well, Yayang is married and has kids.


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This is like ventilation on the window. This is put for sure in local apartment in Bali (called Kost).


This doesn’t have the net window from the outside, so fly, mosquito, cockroach and so on can enter freely. So the culture is very difficult for Japanese. But well, maybe you can shut with something…


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The payment type is like this for the electricity. They check the meter every month and you need to pay the owner. 1kWh costs Rp1,500 (about 12 yen), that is what they say! In Japan it’s about 20 yen kWh, so it costs only the half of Japanese electricity fee. For example, my apartment has the prepaid system with a card you can buy at 24 hours shop, and I need to pay about Rp 200,000 (about 1,600 yen) per month.


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This is the Bali Hindu temple inside of the house. Since the owner wants, there are many apartment including the small temples in Bali.


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The room inside is like this. There are bed, TV, closet refrigerator and so on in the one room of about 10 tatami. You can live enough with that!!



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There is a kitchen there. He says “We don’t cook so much, so it’s like just closet.” It’s very Bali style.


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And then. It’s the place called Cmarmandy in Indonesian word and it’s toilet including bath room. Of course there is no hot water. You need to put water on the left in the bucket, you can flash the toilet and use it for something like shower. That is common in Indonesia still.



I guess… I don’t think I can live there.


If you pay more at least some thousand yen, you can use hot water shower and western toilet which is similar to Japanese unit bath room. So you can pay the apartment even you reduce the food fee.

So it’s about 6,000 yen for the house. Surely it’s about one tenth of Japanese room though… You can see the real local life in Indonesia.



>>Next page, I ask Yayang about various things.



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